
Face Recognition Attendance System

LogoMicrosoft Engage - 2022

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Agile Methodology
  3. Getting Started
  4. Navigating through the App
  5. Need Help?

About The Project

Salient Features

Compatible Platforms

Laptops, Desktops and Tablet PCs

Built With

Agile Methodology

What is Agile

Agile is a development methodology adopted today in the software industry. Agile promotes teamwork, flexible procedures, and sle-organizing teams.

How I Incorporated Agile Methodology During The Development Cycle

SCRUM is a subset of Agile, a framework for developing software. SCRUM takes advantage of different techniques to achieve goals in Agile. SCRUM promotes an iterative model where the planning is performed on a very short term. The basic time working unit is the sprint. SCRUM teams always reason in sprints and their planning is limited to sprints.

Points to remember while testing the app

  1. Allow permission for camera.
  2. Wait for the models to load to detect face while marking the attendance.
  3. Make sure you sit close to the camera with your face clearly visible at the time of marking attendance.
  4. Make sure to capture clear image, with face clearly visible at the time of registration of Student.

Getting Started

  git clone https://github.com/soumyag123/Face-Recognition-Attendance-System.git
  cd Face-Recognition-Attendance-System

Before Installation

  1. Set up your .env file variables in the server folder.
  2. Replace the MONGO_URL with your own MongoDB url. Refer to https://medium.com/featurepreneur/how-to-create-a-cluster-in-mongodb-28996662b3ac to create your cluster and set up your database.
  3. Replace EMAIL and PASS with your own email id and password you want to use for Nodemailer.
  4. Replace OAUTH_CLIENTID, OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET and OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN with your own Google Cloud API Credentials. Refer to https://dev.to/chandrapantachhetri/sending-emails-securely-using-node-js-nodemailer-smtp-gmail-and-oauth2-g3a to create your OAUTH Credentials.


Run the following commands to start the server side.

  cd server
  npm install 
  npm start

Run cd.. to go the main directory.

Run the following commands to start the client side.

  cd client
  npm install
  npm start

Your app is now running on http://localhost:3000

Home Page and About Section

home page

home page

Student and Faculty Registration

home page

home page

home page

Student and Faculty Login

home page

home page

Student and Faculty Profile Page

home page

home page

Generate Code and Send Email

home page

home page

Authenticate Code and Mark Attendance

home page

home page

home page

home page

View Daily and DateWise Attendance Sheet

home page

home page

home page

ChatBox Feature

home page

home page

home page

Need Help?

Feel free to contact me on LinkedIn

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